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INTERventional treatment of life-threatening CARDIovaScular diseases: INTERCARDIS project goals

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


Interventional cardiovascular therapies represent the most innovative therapeutic tools used today to save patients' lives. Interventional treatment using transcutaneous endovascular techniques have proven to decrease mortality rates and improve outcomes for patients with life-threatening cardiovascular diseases such as acute myocardial infarction, severe aortic stenosis, or ischaemic stroke.

Logistical and economic factors may prevent patients from receiving interventional treatment on time (not only during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and not only in low-income countries). In addition, ageing populations and high comorbidities also contribute to the clinical and economical challenges.

The objective of this project (supported by EU grant regarding Intersectoral cooperation in Operational Programme Research, Development and Education) was to propose methods of increasing patient access to life-saving therapies in a cost-effective way. In order to develop a streamlined care pathway for cardiovascular patients, data from unselected patient registries treated using modern interventional treatments were analysed.

Expertise from both clinical research centre and application organization is leveraged to address the issues of providing effective and timely interventions for patients with serious cardiovascular diseases, specifically in the following three areas: (i) acute coronary syndromes, (ii) patients with structural heart diseases, and (iii) patients with acute stroke (Video 1).