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Teacher education graduates in the Czech Republic. What proportion of them enter the teaching profession and what aff ects that?

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The main objective of the present study is to calculate what proportion of graduates of teacher training and more generally educational study programmes and fields of study in the Czech Republic pursue the profession of teacher and education worker shortly after graduation. However, the focus is not only on graduates working as teachers or education workers, but also on those who work in other occupations, on their unemployment and on their level of economic inactivity.

The second main objective is to analyse the factors that influence the practice or non-practice of the education occupation. For that the data of graduation survey Absolvent 2018 were used.

We found that one year after graduation in case of all graduates of education 48 % work in education occupation, 40% work in non-education occupation, 3 % are unemployed and 9 % are economically inactive. However, there are huge differences depending on type of study programme and field of study and type of institutions.

On one side we have graduates of teacher training at faculties of Education with 73 % share of working in education occupation and on the other side only 29 % in case of graduates of non-teacher training education at other faculties. Finally, regression analysis showed that there are number of strong determinants of working or not working in education occupation - namely gender, type of study programme and field of study, type of institution, year of graduation, mobility or regionality.