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Telescopes in the Physics Education in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


This contribution presents part of the results from the questionnaire about using telescopes in education. The research was done among Czech physics teachers in spring 2021.

Our intention was to answer following research questions: What knowledge do physics teachers have about telescopes and is this knowledge related to years of working experience as a teacher and to experience with observing the sky with telescopes? Do teachers have enough time and supplies for detailed explanation of the principles and use of the telescopes to their students? Is the time dedicated to teaching about the telescopes conditioned by the type of the school? Do teachers only explain to students how the telescopes work or do they actually give to students the real experience? The obtained results unfortunately confirm our hypothesis that most teachers lack more practical experience working with the telescopes and deeper knowledge about them as most of the teachers admit that they know only what is written in the textbooks. Other more or less surprising results will be given in this contribution.