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Opportunities for Pupils' Mental Health Support

Publication at Faculty of Education |


A 1998 study on Adverse Childhood Experiences revealed not only their high prevalence in the general population, but also their broad and fundamental impact on people's mental health as well as their physical health through the whole lifespan. In response to the alarming results, there is a global observable trend of increasing mental health support for all pupils in school with special regard to the specific opportunities of supporting pupils who experienced or are experiencing Adverse Childhood Experiences affecting their mental health, behavior, and education during childhood.

The article presents the basic principles of a trauma sensitive approach in education and introduce the possibility of the trauma sensitive approach implementation using the school wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports framework. The aim of this study is to discuss the need of introducing the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for children with Adverse Childhood Experiences and subsequent behavioral problems by implementing a PBIS framework representing school-wide three-tiered behavioral support.

The text is divided into seven parts. The text is divided into six parts.

After a brief introduction, the attention is paid to the prevalence and impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences, current opportunities for supporting children with Adverse Childhood Experiences in the Czech education system, basic principles of trauma sensitive approach, possibilities of implementation of the trauma sensitive approach using PBIS framework and possibilities of PBIS implementation in the Czech education. An analysis of the literature reveals common elements of PBIS with the trauma sensitive approach, which supports the mental health of all children and at the same time allows schools to appropriately support students who have experienced or are experiencing ACEs.

The PBIS implementation framework is therefore a suitable system for supporting children's mental health, which can be adapted to Czech education and introduced in mainstream schools.