The presented paper is situated on the borderline between gender history and women's history. It aims to analyse the agenda of Czechoslovak female deputies between 1918 and 1948.
The text describes, analyses and looks for common features of political, social and gender motivation and program priorities in the parliamentary activities of the female deputies of the Czechoslovak Parliament. The paper also looks for connections between agenda of female deputies and the social and political situation of the state like geopolitical or economic crisis.
It focuses on the development of what is understood under the term "female issues" and how big is the part of female issues in the overall agenda of female deputies during the period. The text is also interested in relations between female deputies and their male colleagues.
The author presents types of women's requirements, which female deputies considered to contribute to women as social group. The primary focus is on the anticipated evolution from female ambassadors to real parliament members with comprehensive political program.
For easier orientation in the issue, the analysis also includes author's statistics.