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Dental caries in juvenile and adult individuals from the cemetery in Pata (Galanta, Slovakia) district, Slovakia) dated to the Únětice culture

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The odontological analysis was carried out on 134 individuals (54 males, 69 females and 11 individuals of undetermined sex). Altogether, 1,986 alveoli and 2,385 teeth were examined (Comparative Alveolar Index CAI=45.0, Comparative Dental Index CDI=55.6).

The caries frequency (F-CE) came up to 53.7%. The caries intensity (ICE), consisting of the frequency of carious teeth (% C=5.2%) and ante-mortem tooth loss (% E=8.1%), reached 13.3%.

In average, there were 2.1 carious or lost teeth in each individual. Both the F-CE and I-CE have positively growing tendency with increasing age.

No statistically significant intersexual differences in the caries frequency and the caries intensity were found.