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Periapical inflammatory processes in individuals from the cemetery at Pata (Galanta district, Slovakia) dated to the Únětice culture

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of periapical inflammatory lesions in individuals buried in the Early Bronze Age cemetery. From the total number of 134 examined individuals, 28 (20.9%) individuals were affected by an inflammatory process.

Males and females were affected approximately equally, the intersexual differences were not significant (p=0.8267). In 28 affected individuals, 62 alveoli were changed by the inflammation, which represents 3.1% of the total number of examined alveoli.

The abscess/osteomyelitis was the most frequent (61.3%), followed by periapical granuloma (24.2%) and radicular cysts (14.5%). The frequency of affected individuals in Pata was significantly lower than at most compared cemeteries localized in Western Slovakia.