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The Credit Trade and the Expulsion of the Jews from Eger (Cheb) : Disruption or Continuity?

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The Jewish community in Eger (Cheb) was one of the most important communities in medieval Czech lands. Similarly to other cities, Jews and Christians in Eger were deeply involved in credit trade.

The source of great importance for research of this topic in Eger are the books of obligations covering the time span from 1387 until 1496. A wide range of these books allow us to follow the development of Jewish credit trade in comparison with the credit trade of Christians.

I will focus especially on the years preceding the Jewish expulsion (1430) and following the date of return of the Jews to the city (1434). Based on the records in these books, we can examine how deeply affected the expulsion of the Jews their activity in credit trade, or rather we can ask if Jews managed to continue in credit trade after the return to the city to the same degree as before their expulsion.