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In vitro exposure to complete engine emissions - a mini-review

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


Outdoor air pollution is classified as carcinogenic to humans and exposure to it contributes to increased incidence of various diseases, including cardiovascular, neurological or pulmonary disorders. Vehicle engine emissions represent a significant part of outdoor air pollutants, particularly in large cities with high population density.

Considering the potentially negative health impacts of engine emissions exposure, the application of reliable test systems allowing assessment of the biological effects of these pollutants is crucial. The exposure systems should use relevant, preferably multicellular, cell models that are treated with the complete engine exhaust (i.e. a realistic mixture of particles, chemical compounds bound to them and gaseous phase) at the air-liquid interface.

The controlled delivery and characterization of chemical and/or particle composition of the exhaust should be possible. In this mini-review we report on such exposure systems that have been developed to date.

We focus on a brief description and technical characterization of the systems, and discuss the biological parameters detected following exposure to a gasoline/diesel exhaust. Finally, we summarize and compare findings from the individual systems, including their advantages/limitations.