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Everything for everyone: Who owns my body?



The multimedial project "Who owns my body", which was created within the platform "Everything for Everyone" in the Intermedia atelier at the FAVU, combines various ways of communicating socially pressing topics that relate to body and physicality. I led the project phase of collective text creation with students of the Intermedia atelier.

The text was then turned into audio form - a podcast. The output of the project, along with other associated content, is a publicly accessible website that has an educational overlay.

Accessible to a wide audience from late adolescence to late adulthood, and underpinned by social science theories, it communicates through the media of podcast, text, illustrations and references to literature, similar projects, and artworks, ideas and information related to the issue of the autonomy of the body, its individual and collective nature, as well as its (gender) fluidity, or reflects on surveillance capitalism. The website thus acts not only as a mediator of multimedia information, but also as an interface from which it is possible to go further and explore the chosen sub-theme.