Introduction: Jaroslav Kříženecký was not only a Czech zootechnician, geneticist and university teacher but is considered one of the biggest propagators and experts on Gregor Mendel's life. He was the founder of Gregor Mendel Genetics Department (now known as Mendelianum) in the Moravian Museum in Brno and the author and editor of numerous publications on Mendel.
Case Summary: Jaroslav Kříženecký, throughout his professional life, aimed to establish organisations commemorating Mendel's life and work. Between the 1930s-1950s, such institutions were missing in Brno.
However, they were frequently sought by visitors of Brno, who were keen to see Mendel's memorabilia. This led to the first attempt by Kříženecký to found the genetics department together with Mendel museum and library in 1932, but the plan was cancelled due to the financial crisis.
In 1946, it was offered to Kříženecký by representatives of Masaryk University to be the head of the Genetics Department at the Faculty of Science. During the next two years, Kříženecký prepared this project, which included experimental, bibliographical sections and the museum.
Kříženecký started the propagation campaign, international cooperation and gathered literature for the future department. Nevertheless, the Communist coup happened in 1948, and soon genetics became suppressed in Czechoslovakia.
It took Kříženecký another fourteen years until the idea of the Mendel institution came finally to life through Gregor Mendel Genetics Department at Moravian Museum. Conclusion: Jaroslav Kříženeck ý was the main leader of efforts to establish institutions focused on Mendel's legacy in Brno.
The culmination of his endeavours represents the opening of Mendel Memorial Hall at the Augustinian Abbey during G. Mendel Memorial Symposium in 1965.
Unfortunately, Kříženecký could not attend this celebrational event, as he died in December 1964.