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Waveforms and fluxes: Towards a self-consistent effective one body waveform model for nonprecessing, coalescing black-hole binaries for third generation detectors

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We present a comprehensive comparison between the numerical relativity (NR) angular momentum flux at infinity and the corresponding quantity entering the radiation reaction in TEOBresumS, an effective one body (EOB) waveform model for nonprecessing coalescing black hole binaries on quasicircular orbits. This comparison prompted us to implement two changes in the model: (i) including next-to-quasi-circular corrections in the l = m, l <= 5 multipoles entering the radiation reaction and (ii) consequently updating the NR-informed spin-orbital sector of the model.

This yields a new waveform model that presents a higher self-consistency between waveform and dynamics and an improved agreement with NR simulations. We test the model computing the EOB/NR unfaithfulness available through the Simulating eXtreme Spacetime catalog, notably using the noise spectral density of Advanced LIGO, Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer, for total mass up to 500 M-circle dot.

We find that the maximum unfaithfulness (F) over bar (max)(EOB/NR) is mostly between 10(-4) and 10(-3), and the performance progressively worsens up to similar to 5 x 10(-3) as the effective spin of the system is increased. We perform similar analyses on the SEOBNRv4HM model, which delivers (F) over bar (max)(EOB/NR) values uniformly distributed versus effective spin and mostly between 10(-3) and 10(-2).

We conclude that the improved TEOBresumS model already represents a reliable and robust first step towards the development of highly accurate waveform templates for third generation detectors.