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A first-in-human clinical study of a new SP-B and SP-C enriched synthetic surfactant (CHF5633) in preterm babies with respiratory distress syndrome: two-year outcomes

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine |


Objective: To assess at 24 months corrected age (CA) the neurological, respiratory, and general health status of children born prematurely from 27(+0) to 33(+6) weeks' gestation who were treated in a first-in-human study with a new fully synthetic surfactant (CHF5633) enriched with SP-B and SP-C proteins. Outcome measures: Children were assessed using Bayley Scales of Infant Development (BSID), with a score below normal defined as BSID-II Mental Development Index score <70, or BSID-III cognitive composite score <85.

In addition, a health status questionnaire was used to check for functional disability including respiratory problems and related treatments, sensory and neurodevelopment assessments, communication skills as well as the number of hospitalizations. Results: 35 of 39 survivors had a neurodevelopmental assessment, 24 infants being evaluated by Bayley's Scales and 11 by health status questionnaires only. 23 children had scores within normal limits and one had BSID-III <85.

The remaining 11 were judged clinically to have normal development. Health status questionnaires detected only issues that would normally be expected in preterm-born children.

Conclusions: This assessment offers reassurance that treatment with CHF5633 surfactant was not associated with adverse neurodevelopmental, respiratory, or health outcomes by two years corrected age.