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ICT Tools in Constructivist Teaching - Webquest and the Assessment by Concept Maps

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One of the tools that supports constructivist approach in learning with technology is WebQuest (WQ). A problem remains to measure students' progress appropriate way.

It was decided to investigate whether concept maps could be used to check the students' final competences received using WQ oriented chemistry instruction. In our survey we checked compatibility of WQ learning and concept map assessment at individual lower secondary chemistry education (topic: acid/base).

It was assumed that a student who creates a concept map containing many concepts, these concepts will be correctly related to each other and sign the relations between the concepts, will have structured knowledge in his head - which will translate into a better result of the final test (post-test). Our results confirmed that the self-creation of "concept maps" by students (n = 79) has a positive impact on assessment of their level of knowledge.

The number of terms on the map and the number of drawings are particularly important. The more of them, the better the student's score on the post-test.

The other correlations are not that strong. It seems that the problems with building multi-level maps or correctly describing lines may be due to the young age of students (13) or the frequent (even among adults) confusing "concept maps" with "mind maps".