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Prague merchants on the road. Prague before the Battle at White Mountain and Central European markets.

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The main topic of the book is the history of trade in Prague at the Age before the Battle at White Mountain (1526-1618) with the focus on period of the rule of Rudolph II. (1576-1611). The centre of the study is the long-time research in Czech and foreign archives (Cracow, Wroclaw, Warsaw, Leipzig), concerning long distance trade between Prague, Silesia (Wroclaw) and Poland (Cracow, Poznan), this mutual trade is described in the context of other European markets (Leipzig, Nuremberg, Frankfurt am Main, Linz, Krems, Wien, Venice) to which the Prague merchants were connected into.

The book brings information about the most important Christian and Jewish merchants of Prague under the rule of Rudolph II. The book also charts judiciary context of the time together with comers, business trade organisations, trade of fabric and question of traders' education, knowledge and managing of risks in early new age period.