Study texts introduce the reader to the basic aspects of teaching botany in primary and secondary schools. In the first part of the study texts, in the introductory thematic unit, readers will get acquainted with the teaching of botany at primary and secondary schools (with the inclusion of the botany curriculum in the RVP ZV and RVP G and its possibilities for inclusion in the SVP in the educational field of natural history/biology and in cross-cutting topics, with didactic principles in teaching botany).
Another thematic group is textbooks for elementary schools and four-year high schools and other teaching materials and information resources for teaching botany, aids and working with aids in teaching botany. The last thematic part of the general didactic part of the study texts is teacher preparation for teaching botany - didactic methods and forms of teaching.
The second part of the study texts is aimed at selected issues of individual thematic units in the teaching of botany at elementary schools and four-year high schools. These are thematic units: plant cell, plant tissue, plant organs, plant water regime, substance and energy metabolism, plant growth and development, plant reproduction, plant system and evolution (plant classification, nomenclature, lower plants, higher plants, system and the evolution of fungi, plants and the environment.