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Necrotizing enterocolitis in children with low birth-weight induced with mucormycose strains

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


BACKGROUND: The nosocomial occurrence of mycotic infections negatively affects results of the neonatal care in newborns in the sense of their increased mortality and morbidity. AIM: The communication presented here is focused on an analysis of predisposing factors and clinical patterns of infections induced with mucormycosis strains.

The authors provided an analysis of six case reports concerning newborns that died in association with nosocomial infections, where mucormycosis strains were microbiologically and microscopically detected in autopsy. RESULTS: The newborns in the group considered died due to general metabolic breakdown induced by peritonitis based on the large intestine perforation - enterocolitis.

The predisposing factors include low birth-weight, asphyxia after the delivery, catheterization of umbilical veins and v. cava inferior and introduction of the endotracheal ventilation. Nosocomial nature of the infection propagation is suggested by a delayed onset of manifestations after the delivery.

CONCLUSION: The authors point out the possibility of the origination of nosocomial infection induced with mucormycotic strains. Thus, they recommend adhering to a strict anti-epidemic regimen at neonatal departments with a particular emphasis put on consequent prohibiting of the storage and use of food at the departments.

They emphasize the fact that the most frequent clinical pattern induced with mucormycotic strains in newborns with low birth-weight is necrotizing enterocolitis. They also stress the fact that the final diagnosis of the infection is most typically established based on the histological examination only.