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The 8th Annual Conference Belarusian Studies in the 21st Century, April 28-29, 2023



The conference serves as a multidisciplinary forum of Belarusian studies in the West and offers a rare networking opportunity for researchers of Belarus. The conference will take place on 28-29 April 2023 in the hybrid format. The Annual London Lecture on Belarusian Studies will follow the main conference panels. The organisers are interested in papers that discuss history, political science, business, political economy, literature, sociology and religious studies. Interdisciplinary studies are particularly encouraged. Selected papers will be peer-reviewed and published in the Journal of Belarusian Studies in 2023.

The organising committee includes Prof Yarik Kryvoi (co-chair), Prof Andrew Wilson (co-chair), Dr Alena Marková, Dr Peter Braga, and Dr Karalina Matskievich.

Conference partners: the Journal of Belarusian Studies, British Association of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies (BAESEES), Anglo-Belarusian Society and Charles University (Prague).