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Virtual co-teaching through the eyes of primary and secondary school students

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The paper focuses on the topic of virtual co-teaching, which is a way of teaching in which one educator is physically present and the other is virtually present. Based on a qualitative study relying on methodological approaches of qualitative description, it presents authentic learners' views on the implemented co-teaching lessons.

The aim is to find out and describe how the participating pupils reflect on the lesson conducted by physical and virtual co-teaching, what benefits it brings them and what potential limitations they see in it. To achieve the objective, firstly, expert studies dealing with teaching effectiveness and effectiveness of co-teaching were analysed and then qualitative research was conducted in two primary and one secondary school.

In the results section, we present the categories found, which vividly show how the students themselves perceive and reflect on the pedagogical process guided by the co-teaching method.