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Psychological Democratic Deficit of the European Union and Possible Role of the Lawyers

Publication at Faculty of Law |


Although the democratic deficit of the European Union can be defined by lack of legitimacy or transparency of the European institutions, it is necessary not to forget the psychological component of the democratic deficit. Indeed, European identity and the awareness of EU citizens of the functioning, objectives and policies of the European Union are key to successfully addressing the democratic deficit inherent in the European Union since its inception. Contributing to the elimination of the psychological democratic deficit can be helped by raising European issues in the media, the creation of genuine European elections

(especially through the raising of European issues at national level) and, last but not least, public legal education, which aims at objectively informing society about relevant issues needed to build a healthy awareness of the European Union. Lawyers have a great deal to contribute to public legal education, as they are clearly equipped, both by personal characteristics and by education, to successfully educate society.