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Child sexual offenders on the internet: an analysis of online communication with real victims



Child sexual abuse is a burning social issue and has a major psychosocial impact on a child's future life. Global statistics show that this phenomenon is partially shifting to the cyberspace.

These conditions enable offenders to have a wider reach and remain anonymous, thus increasing the risk of abuse. According to the international study EU Kids Online, 24 % of children in the Czech Republic have received unwanted sexual requests on the Internet, which is higher than the European average.

Although the strategies and manipulative techniques used by offenders are often theoretically explored to improve the focus of preventive measures, the real online communications of offenders and victims have not been widely used so far, although they are more authentic and thus have better informative value. This study examines what the real online communication between the offender and the victim looks like and what its specifics are depending on the level of risk of the offender's behavior.