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Computer games, a reality of daily life of children, as a means to introduce history into public space

Publikace na Filozofická fakulta |

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Computer games became a regular part of student's life in the past years. The perception of comupter games has, fortunately, changed through the years.

From something perceived as a childish fun, they became something that can be used as an educational instrument. Historically set games are for many students usually their first encounter with history as something, that can be perceived.

That is why teachers of history, and historians in general, should start paying more attention to historically set computer games. In my conference paper, I will focus on three topics.

First of all, I will sum up current state of research in the field of game studies in the Czech Republic with mentions about important foreign authors. Secondly, I will present various historically set games and use them as examples on how to implement computer games into historical education.

Last part will focus on the possible implementation of computer games into education in the area of the Balkans. How to use those games, which values they can be used to spread among students.

I will also mention some problems associated with Yugoslav Wars and games associated with this topic.