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Enteral Nutrition in Preterm Infants (2022): A Position Paper From the ESPGHAN Committee on Nutrition and Invited Experts

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


OBJECTIVES: To review the current literature and develop consensus conclusions and recommendations on nutrient intakes and nutritional practice in preterm infants with birthweight 90% consensus was not achieved, online discussion meetings were held, along with further voting until agreement was reached. RESULTS: In general, there is a lack of strong evidence for most nutrients and topics.

The summary paper is supported by additional supplementary digital content that provide a fuller explanation of the literature and relevant physiology: introduction and overview; human milk reference data; intakes of water, protein, energy, lipid, carbohydrate, electrolytes, minerals, trace elements, water soluble vitamins, and fat soluble vitamins; feeding mode including mineral enteral feeding, feed advancement, management of gastric residuals, gastric tube placement and bolus or continuous feeding; growth; breastmilk buccal colostrum, donor human milk, and risks of cytomegalovirus infection; hydrolyzed protein and osmolality; supplemental bionutrients; and use of breastmilk fortifier. CONCLUSIONS: We provide updated ESPGHAN CoN consensus-based conclusions and recommendations on nutrient intakes and nutritional management for preterm infants.