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Žlutice in late middle ages. „Residencial“ town of the Knights of Vřesovice (1427–1537)

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A town of Žlutice is located in the eastern part of modern Karlovy Vary region, from historical point of view, it was Žatec region. Žlutice was founded in 13th century as a foundation by lords of Osek-Riesenburg and it was gained by Henry of Elstenberg, member of Wenceslas IV's household at the beginning of 15th century. During Hussite wars, the town was captured by Moravian Hussite captain Jacob of Vřesovice, whose family ruled it for next 110 years (1427-1537).

Jacob focused on the development of Žlutice as a stronghold and commercial center, his descendants were devoted to make Žlutice their residential place with almost aristocratic character (rebuilding municipal church, decoration of town gates...). However, to achieve this state, it lacked many features.

Most importantly, there was no aristocratic court, which they couldn't afford as members of lesser nobility. Situation of Jacob's offspring from Žlutice line of house of Vřesovice wasn't ideal, because unlike their relatives from other family lines, they didn't possess large estates except the town and its surroundings and they also didn't reach any important regional or municipal office, through which they could have gained more income to use for their representation.

But even though thanks to the house of Vřesovice, the town of Žlutice was elevated from its position of small local center, after few decades it reverted to this state again. New period of prosperity was established by the house of Kokořovec of Kokořov, who ruled the town since 1575 and it lasted until the time of destructive fires in 18th century.