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Nakhtsare’s cemetery in Abusir centre

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The article brings analyses of the results of the archaeological excavation in Nakhtsare's Cemetery in Central Abusir. The small cemetery represents a row of four mastabas which have been unearthed in 1994 and between 2013 and 2016 represents the only part of the necropolis where one can detect a uniform distribution of tombs.

The mastabas were built according to a single, uniform layout in the same period, at the beginning of the second part of the Fifth Dynasty. Parts of burial equipment as well as masons' inscriptions that were unearthed in these tombs demonstrate that they belonged to at least two members of the royal family and other members of the court elite.

One of them was Queen Khentkaus III who was not attested before the unearthing of her tomb. Results of the archaeological excavation in the cemetery represent an important supplement to our understanding of the Abusir royal necropolis and of the Fifth Dynasty royal family.