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Positioning bed control system



A system for controlling the positioning bed by eye movements, which comprises

- computer, or tablet with an eye tracking sensor for evaluating the position of the sight on the display in a rectangular coordinate system,

-waiting mode module, adapted to represent the flashing graphic element for initiating the active mode when fixing the flashing graphic element with the eyes;

- a module of the first selection part of the active mode, adapted to represent the icons of the bed segments, preferably the three bed segments, and the three selection icons indicating the selection of only the headrest, the headrest and the legs, foot only, for selecting by eye movement and fixing the icon by eye sight; and icons for resetting the bed;

- a module of the second selective part of the active mode, adapted to display icons for moving the bed segments and / or icons displaying the results of moving the bed segments to predefined positions for selection by eye movement and fixing the icon by eye and icons for resetting the bed;

-module confirmation part of the active mode; adapted to represent the graphic element for confirming the selection in any selection part of the active mode by fixing this graphic element with the eyes for at least 2 seconds,

- mechanical adjustment of the position of individual bed segments,

- electrical signal transmission from the eye tracking sensor to the control processor for mechanically adjusting the position of the individual bed segments.