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Expectations about the Future: The Differences among Adolescents without Conduct Problems and Adolescent Groups Exhibiting Various Forms of Antisocial Behavior

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


The present study focuses on the occurrence of selected protective factors, specifically dedicated to the anti-social behavior of adolescents in relation to the expectations about the future in terms of specific tasks which are required to fulfilled by the individual at different developmental stages. Data from the international project SAHA (The Social and Health Assessment) were used to analyze the typology of antisocial behavior in the age cohort of 16 years (N = 1853).

Non-hierarchical cluster analysis; k-means cluster analysis was used to identify the main clusters of antisocial behavior. Four types of adolescent antisocial behaviour were identified: non-problem behavior (N = 1094), less severe conduct problems (N = 477), mild conduct problems with drug and alcohol abuse, and with consequences by formal authorities (N = 170) and severe antisocial behavior (N = 112).

Subsequently, adolescents from different clusters were compared on their expectations about the future. Based on the comparison can be concluded that adolescents with the most prominent manifestations of antisocial behavior presume smallest future success.