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Current imaging techniques and impact on diagnosis and survival - a narrative review

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Imaging plays a central role in the detection and assessment of breast cancer. Breast cancer screening programmes have been well established, as even in the era of modern therapies early detection has a major impact on survival.

Time interval and method of breast cancer surveillance programme depends greatly on the individual risk factors and a correct selection and/or combination of methods proved to be useful in women with higher than average risk or in women with dense breasts. In women with clinical symptoms, imaging methods provide reliable differentiation between benign and suspicious processes that need to be evaluated with a biopsy.

Each of the three basic imaging methods of the breast-mammography, breast ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has its advantages and limitations. Additionally, appropriate preoperative marking is a mandatory part of imaging that helps transfer the information from imaging to surgery.

In this review, we summarize the data on the use of breast imaging in prevention, diagnostics and staging with a clinical perspective. We emphasize the multimodality approach with combined evaluation of all imaging methods and multidisciplinary team work with close cooperation of various medical specialties, which is essential for planning the proper execution of patient management to ensure the best possible outcome.

Practical examples are given in a series of clinical scenarios.