There are strong historical ties between the Czech translation community and Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT). To highlight them, the Institute of Translation Studies, Charles University, organised an exhibition remembering Jiří Lev ý, a renowned20th-century Czech translationscholar, to coincide with the meeting.
Theexhibition, entitled Jiří Levý - innovativetheorist and, above all, a wonderful man,was meant to bring his life and work to theattention of all who attended the meeting. Jiří Levý (1926-1967) was a Czech scholar,practitioner, teacher, and author ofThe Art of Translation, a timeless classicin Translation Studies.
Levý was heavilyinvolved with FIT in the 1960s and his activitiesculminated in proposing Pragueas the venue for a future FIT world congress. These great hopes, however, were dashedby the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakiain 1968.
Jiří Levý's legacy, including his Art, stillprovide ample inspiration for translationtheory and practice and the ways translatorsand interpreters can make a difference,enabling translation to become aneven stronger bond between nations.