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Lichens from the littoral zone host diverse Ulvophycean photobionts

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Crustose Verrucariaceae lichens form a distinctive black belt on seashores all over the world. This lifestyle is apparently enabled by a specific set of photobionts.

However, their diversity is understudied. We sampled these lichens from the northern Patagonian Pacific coast of Chile.

Using molecular markers, we identified both mycobionts and photobionts. The lichens, belonging to the genus Hydropunctaria and to the Wahlenbergiella group, hosted solely Ulvophycean photobionts.

Pseudendoclonium submarinum (Kornmanniaceae, Ulvales) was the most common, but representatives of other closely related, yet undescribed, lineages were also found. Undulifilum symbioticum gen. et sp. nov. is described within Kornmanniaceae based on culture morphology and DNA sequence data.

Furthermore, the free-living macroscopic genus Urospora (Acrosiphoniaceae, Ulotrichales) is reported as a lichen photobiont for the first time and is the first of its kind in the order. These results indicate that undescribed algal diversity is waiting to be uncovered in seashore lichens.