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The Valency Lexicon of Czech Verbs is a collection of linguistically annotated data and documentation; it provides a formal, machine-readable description of valency frames of Czech verbs and additional syntactico-semantic information useful for the analysis and synthesis of Czech texts as well as other applied tasks in NLP. It covers the common senses of the most frequent Czech verbs (in total over 11,080 senses of almost 4,700 lemmas, i.e., more than 6,850 verb senses counting perfective and imperfective verbs as forming a single lexeme).

VALLEX 4.5 is an enhanced successor of VALLEX 4.0, 3.5, and 3.0. In addition to the information stored there, VALLEX 4.5 provides a detailed description of reflexive verbs, i.e., verbs with the reflexive se or si as an obligatory part of their verb lexemes.

VALLEX 4.5 covers 1,525 reflexive verbs in 1,545 lexical units (2,501 when aspectual counterparts counted separately). VALLEX 4.5 provides also enhanced characteristics of verbs expressing reciprocity and reflexi