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Torus mandibularis Review article

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, First Faculty of Medicine |


The article presents a review of current information about torus mandibularis. It represents a benign enlargement of the bone, which is located on the internal surface of the mandibular body, at the region of canines and premolars.

It can occur unilaterally and bilaterally, the most often is the bilateral occurence. Most often, it is diagnosed in 2nd and 3rd decade.

The etiology is not well known, in some cases we can find autosomal dominant heritage with incomplete penetrance. Tori mandibulares might be clinically asymptomatic.

Microscopically, they are formed by compact bone with less cancellous bone, which contains bone marrow. The removal of torus mandibularis is not always necessary.

The resection of torus mandibularis is indicated in case it causes problems, most to improve the construction and retention of partial or total ramovable prosthesis by means of preprosthetic surgery or as a harvesting site for alveolar ridge augmentation for the purposes of implantology or dentalveolar reconstructive surgery. After the torus removal, we do not observe recidive.