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Newer knowledge of therapeutic physical education in soft structure lesions of knee joint

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


Basis: Modern technologies such as poly-EMG, 3D kinematics, tensiometric kinetics and their application into medical practice brought new pieces of knowledge concerning pathogenesis of disorders of locomotive organs, including knee joint. It has been indicated, that the key factor at formation of soft structure lesions of knee joint is disruption of neuromotoric control of dynamic stabilization and its feedback.

Application of this knowledge brought new trends to kinesiotherapy and it became more pointed, complex and effective. Incidence of soft structure lesions of knee joint is decreasing.

Group: Mentioned therapeutic procedures were applied in the group of 22 patients. Methods: Functional state of knee joint was assessed according to standard international IKDC score.

Intensity of pain in everyday activities was assessed by analogue scale, as well as occurrence of swelling, by comparing the circumference of healthy and hurt knee. Results: Significant improvement in IKDC (International Knee Documentation Committee) score was reached, as well as significant moderation of pain and significant reduction of swelling.