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Video tutorial: Measuring blue intensity with the CooRecorder software application

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Blue intensity (BI) techniques offer a cost-effective, tree ring parameters that are representative of densiometric ring growth and are increasingly being integrated in the various fields of dendrochronology. Particularly, the refinement and application of latewood blue intensity (LWB) is particularly popular within the field of dendroclimatology.

In an effort to broaden accessibility of BI methods and to provide teaching and training material for dendrochronologists aiming to use BI methods, we present a brief overview of how to obtain LWB data from tree rings using the CooRecorder (Cybis Elektronik & Data AB) software application. The video tutorial (closedcaptioned in English) can be found here: and via Mendeley Data: doi: 10.17632/83xt6hr9jp.