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The study of theology as an endeavour for human development : The concept of theology at the Institute of Ecumenical Studies and at Jabok

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


The authors of the article reflect on the nature and significance of the study of theology in institutions that are more concerned with general human development than with the study of theology per se. Their almost twenty years of work at the Institute of Ecumenical Studies in Prague and at the Jabok College of Higher Education and the changing place of faith in society allow them to capture the pragmatic aspects of the study under review, in which historical lines intersect with theological reflection and pastoral perspectives.

Their starting point for this multidisciplinary exploration is Comenius' philosophy of education and his concept of theology as a way of human development through education. As with Comenius, the authors take into account the context of the times in which the concept of theology was gradually taking shape in the institutions mentioned, which they conclude by describing as an ecumenically oriented path of dialogue in order to contribute to human development in today's pluralistic society.