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Diabetic foot syndrome - prevention, diagnosis and therapy: Adapted recommended procedure based on international guidelines

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


Diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) is a serious medical and social problem. Caring for patients with SDN requires a multidisciplinary approach, consistent preventive measures and timely adequate treatment can significantly reduce the percentage of diabetes complications, including the risk of limb amputation.

Among the basic starting points for the creation of the publication Diabetic foot syndrome - prevention, diagnosis and therapy, an adapted recommended procedure based on international guidelines, is the growing need to ensure quality podiatric care for diabetics, the number of whom is still increasing, and the expansion of knowledge from the existing recommended procedures of the Czech Diabetological Society ČLS JEP .

This recommended procedure is a Czech adaptation of international guidelines that were created by the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF) and updated in 2019-2020.

The publication is intended for professional healthcare workers who take part in the care of patients with SDN (diabetologists, internists, surgeons, angiologists, prosthetists, general practitioners, etc.) Individual chapters focus on the prevention of ulceration, the possibility of alleviating leg defects, diagnosis, prognosis and management of ischemic disease of the lower limbs in patients with ulceration, they also deal with the issue of infection in SDN, provide an overview of possible interventions aimed at healing chronic diabetic foot ulcerations, the possibilities of SDN classification are presented. The text is complemented by diagrams, graphs and clear tables. The publication also includes a short guide Diabetic foot syndrome, practical recommendations for prevention and treatment, which summarizes the main principles of SDN prevention, description and classification of diabetic foot ulcerations, principles of SDN treatment, and contains practical appendices.