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Fundamentals of transplant immunology

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


The book introduces the reader to basic examination methods in nephrology and their clinical interpretation in a clear and systematic way. Both laboratory and functional examinations of the kidneys are discussed in detail, with an emphasis on the issues of proteinuria, hematuria and examination of glomerular and tubular function of the kidneys, as well as standard and modern imaging methods.

The issue of renal biopsy is also discussed in detail, a significant part of the book is devoted to immunological methods and molecular biological methods applied in nephrology. This part of the publication is very important for understanding modern diagnostics, which is developing very quickly and which will probably change our approach to the treatment of nephrological patients in the near future.

The book is supplemented with a rich series of diagrams, examination algorithms, images and photographs, which will provide the reader with a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the latest news in morphological and imaging diagnostics, which cannot be found in any of the nephrology monographs to such an extent.