The paper describes VESUM, a large morphological dictionary of Ukrainian, as a valuable resource for the analysis and synthesis of Ukrainian morphological data. In line with its manifold practical uses, VESUM supplies a rich set of morphological features for more than 400,000 Ukrainian lemmas.
Its lexical range extends beyond what is found in Ukrainian monolingual and grammatical dictionaries to cover proper names, abbreviations, alternative spellings, slang, deprecated items, dialectal and archaic words, etc. VESUM’s inflectional paradigms include a number of substandard wordforms (marked as such) that occur in texts and need to be recognized by NLP applications.
The paper describes VESUM’s structure, morphological information it provides, its use in the LanguageTool language checker and in the Lucene search engine, as well as the dynamic tagging component that acts as a complement to the dictionary itself. VESUM’s coverage of different text types is also discussed.
The dictionary is provided as an open access source via an online repository for the NLP community and is made available online through a web interface in human-readable, searchable format.