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The price of peace in our time

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The WPA and other psychiatric associations around the world should: a) speak out about the moral and clinical crisis and its worldwide implications; b) support services for the growing mental health crises, by: i) providing training for mental health professionals serving Ukrainian refugees, along with broad-based mental health collaborations; ii) developing mental health services tailored to address the trauma and other consequences of the Russian war; iii) providing medications and other resources to treat patients with mental health needs; iv) developing remote tele-mental health services, making treatment available for all; v) preparing to re-build Ukrainian facilities, services, and education systems, so that Ukrainians can benefit from the skills and resources of modern psychiatric practice; vi) establishing research programs, so that Ukrainians and people of other countries can learn from these circumstances and be better prepared, if such events occur in the future.