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Morphology and phylogenetic position of three anaerobic ciliates from the classes Odontostomatea and Muranotrichea (Ciliophora)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The diversity of the classes Odontostomatea and Muranotrichea, which contain solely obligate anaerobes, is poorly understood. We studied two populations of Mylestoma sp., one of Saprodinium dentatum (Odontostomatea), two of Muranothrix felix sp. nov., and one of Muranothrix sp. (Muranotrichea) employing live observation, protargol impregnation, scanning electron microscopy, and 18S rRNA gene sequencing.

Conspecificity of Mylestoma sp., described here, with a previously described species of this genus cannot be excluded since no species have been studied with modern methods. Phylogenetically, the genus Mylestoma is closely related to the odontostomatid Discomorphella pedroeneasi, although the phylogenetic position of class Odontostomatea itself remains unresolved.

The newly described muranotrichean species, Muranothrix felix sp. nov., is morphologically similar to M. gubernata but can be distinguished by its fewer macronuclear nodules and fewer adoral membranelles; moreover, it is clearly distinguished from M. gubernata by its 18S rRNA gene sequence. Another population, designated here as Muranothrix sp., most likely represents a separate species.