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Sustainablity concept of design of concrete bridges based on LCA

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


Sustainability should become a basic concept for efficient/high quality design and operation of any structure through entire life cycle. Concrete is gradually becoming a building material with a high potential for such new technical solutions that meet new requirements, leading to the necessary reduction of environmental impacts and consequent improvement of social and eco-nomic conditions.

The specific type of structures are bridges, where traditionally dominant re-quirements are efficiency of structural performance connected with cost efficiency, and due to a visual exposure to their architectural form and aesthetics. However, environmental quality is not usually considered.

The need for an environmental assessment of different alternatives is becoming increasingly important due to the need to reduce environmental impacts, especially the carbon footprint. Environmental assessment could be done using existing standard method-ologies of LCA in line with the concept of implementation of sustainability principles of con-crete structures in the new fib ModelCode 2020.

The paper presents a LCA case study focus-ing on concrete footbridge over the Labe river in Čelákovice, Czech Republic. One alternative is traditional design, and the second two represent advanced design using precast elements from UHPC.

The detailed LCA analysis performed compares all three alternatives from an en-vironmental impact point of view.