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Multi-Institutional Evaluation of Pathologists' Assessment Compared to Immunoscore

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This study aims to compare the performance of the standardized consensus Immunoscore (IS) digital pathology assay to an evaluation of the immune response via visual examination of hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) slides and CD3+/CD8+ stained slides, achieved by expert pathologists. Herein, we report the evaluation of 540 stained images by multi-institutional pathologists to determine the concordance between pathologist assessment before and after training.

The results show that the IS assay outperformed expert pathologists' T-score evaluation in the clinical setting. This reveals the potential of the IS as an immune pathology tool, critical for reproducible quantitative analysis of tumor-infiltrated immune cells.

These findings can contribute to a better diagnosis, allowing one to stratify cancer patients into reliable prognostic groups, based on the immune parameters quantified by IS. This work will likely impact the management of colon cancer patients as it raises the importance of the implementation of digital pathology in cancer diagnosis to provide appropriate personalized therapeutic decisions.