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A Gender-Balanced Approach to Teaching Visual Literacy in the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Education |


This chapter illustrates the current philosophy behind the realm of art education didactics in the Czech Republic. It presents the contemporary direction of art education goals in a cultural-historical context.

The following chapter emphasizes the development of productive teaching culture and possible educator approaches that help develop them in students. To understand the complexity of the educational process and the teacher's role, it seems more than appropriate to invariably think about it in the widest possible range of perspectives.

We offer an overview in a historical, theoretical (post-structuralist), pedagogical (constructivist) and subject-specific didactic context. Our research has led to a notion that gender has become a useful theoretical construct that can help teachers to better comprehend their own didactic procedures and methods in order to effectively pursue educational goals that they set for their students.

The model of a gender-balanced approach is a (visual) example of a theoretical scope and reflection on the teaching based on a discursive analysis of teachers' statements. Personal theoretical concepts of teaching then become part of the practice of teachers and thus the theoretical diversity of subject-specific didactics comes into development.