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A/r/tography from the Deaf and hearing researcher's perspective

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The paper looks at the perception of Deaf art and explores the use of artistic and reflective processes in learning situations involving deaf students during the art education. It is based on how deaf researcher (me) perceive the art opposite to hearing researcher (my PhD supervisor).

Thematically, it follows the cycle of artworks titled The Gate Into Deaf World, which explored the subject using acrylic on canvas reflecting sign language. During this project, we made use of a/r/tography, a methodology that offers a way of understanding a subject of research from three different perspectives (artist, teacher, researcher), thus enabling complementarily structured learning in "interspace".

A/r/tography is proved to be an innovative methodology and a valuable teaching method involving the previously described intertwining of roles. It is a functional method of teaching and also a pedagogical approach providing a good grasp of the given subject while bringing the student and teacher together in active cooperation.

An interpretation of the various research findings from the hearing and Deaf perspective is the challenge we have endured during our joint research, which will lay the foundations for improving instruction in the "mediation of Deaf arts". The subject of Deaf arts is approached as an intertwining of three identities (artist, researcher, teacher) during our research.

In the conclusion, I evaluated the cooperation and challenges between deaf (me) and hearing researcher (my PhD supervisor) who were involved in this project which is a part of my PhD thesis.