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Optimal estimated standard uncertainties of reflection intensities for kinematical refinement from 3D electron diffraction dat

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Central Library of Charles University |


Estimating the error in the merged reflection intensities requires a full understanding of all the possible sources of error arising from the measurements. Most diffraction-spot integration methods focus mainly on errors arising from counting statistics for the estimation of uncertainties associated with the reflection intensities.

This treatment may be incomplete and partly inadequate. In an attempt to fully understand and identify all the contributions to these errors, three methods are examined for the correction of estimated errors of reflection intensities in electron diffraction data.

For a direct comparison, the three methods are applied to a set of organic and inorganic test cases. It is demonstrated that applying the corrections of a specific model that include terms dependent on the original uncertainty and the largest intensity of the symmetry-related reflections improves the overall structure quality of the given data set and improves the final Rall factor.

This error model is implemented in the data reduction software PETS2.