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Fostering children's creativity: The concept of music creativity in the Czech Republic

Publikace na Pedagogická fakulta |

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The issue of creativity has influenced music education in the Czech Republic for several decades. The so-called children's musical creativity is perceived as an indisputable component of music education and currently serves as one of the pillars of advocacy for the importance of music education in school curricula.

Czech education, which is based on the humanistic concept of education by Comenius, supports and develops children's creativity. However, there are only partial studies and a broad-spectrum and systematic interdisciplinary research with a focus on musical education has not yet taken place.

This paper summarises the historical perception of the concept of creativity in the Czech Republic in connection with music education and clarifies the existing research in the field of so-called musical creativity of children. Hana Váňová has long been dealing with the issue of musical creativity, the issue of creativity specifically in receptive music education has been addressed by Jaroslav Herden or Václav Drábek.

The space for examining the aspect of children's creativity in music education in a broader context and the scientific justification of the importance of the development of children's creativity through music education represents a significant potential for music education. This can be supported by a more than desirable inspiration from current foreign research and possible cooperation on research projects supporting the irreplaceable importance of music education in the European context.