On September 25 and 26, 2023, the 13th international scientific conference Adult Education took place on the campus of the Faculty of Education of Charles University. This event represented a significant opportunity for the scientific community and practitioners from the Czech Republic and other European countries.
In the context of current social changes, when digital technology and, more recently, artificial intelligence (hereafter AI) have an increasing influence on various aspects of adult life, this year's conference title was: "Adult education 2023 - in the context of artificial intelligence". With this title, the conference and its program reflected not only current trends, but also reflected the growing importance and use of AI in adult education within modern society.
The conference offered space for discussion and analysis of how to use this technology for effective education and further development of adult individuals. The conference itself took place in a hybrid format, which made it possible for foreign academics and practitioners to comfortably participate.
In terms of professional focus, attention was paid in the plenary session to the following key topics: innovation and digitization, development of digital literacy and competences, new models of education and forms of learning, and social interaction and development in education. These topics represent the key pillars of modern adult education in the context of the growing role of AI and digital technologies.
The conference was attended by representatives of a total of ten universities from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, which testifies to the international interest in the issue of AI in education. In addition to the academic community, experts from practice were also actively involved.