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Vertical Jump Performance: Relevance For Competition Success In Elite Soccer



Vertical jump performance (VJP) is widely used to assess lower extremity explosive power (EP) in soccer players. It has been reported that VJP correlates with acceleration and speed performance. While EP is an important parameter of physical performance in soccer, limited knowledge has been reported related to its influence on team success in elite professional soccer players.

PURPOSE: To find effect of VJP on team competition success in professional soccer players.

METHODS: Cross-sectional study design of one hundred thirty-five male soccer players of the highest Czech league. Players were classified into three groups based on each team's final league ranks. The three groups were: (A) 1st-4th ranking (n = 45), (B) 5th-12th ranking (n = 49) and (C) 12th-16th (n = 41). VJP was evaluated by force plates (KISTLER, Winterhur, Switzerland) with three different jump tasks: counter-movement jump free arms (CMJFA), counter-movement jump (CMJ), and squat jump (SQJ). Outcome variable of the VJP were assessed: jump height (JH), maximal vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) during take-off phase for dominant (VGRFDL), nondominant leg (VGRFNL) and force impulse (FI) related to player's body mass.

RESULTS: Results revealed significant higher VJP related to team's performance success (λ = 0.91, F10,784 = 3.67; p < 0.01, ηp2 = 0.05). Group A had significantly (p < 0.05) higher JH in all types of jumps compared to group B and C, while B compared to C group had no significant differences (CMJFA: A = 48.15 +- 4.59 cm, B = 45.62 +- 3.36 cm, C = 44.70 +- 5.15 cm, CMJ: A = 42.37 +- 4.30 cm, B = 40.28 +- 2.96 cm, C = 39.99 +- 4.85 cm, SJ: A = 39.05 +- 3.79 cm, B = 37.17 +- 2.97 cm, C = 37.44 +- 4.39 cm). Greater FI was found in CMJ jump in A group (3.29 +- 0.33 compared to less successful teams (FI: B = 3.04 +- 0.30, C = 3.11 +- 0.35 Significantly higher VGRF, VGRFDL and VGRFNL were found in players from A group compared to B group. Statistically significant differences were not found in the rest of the post hoc comparisons among observed VJP variables.

CONCLUSION: The current results identified that EP measured by VJP may be a crucial factor for competition success of male professional soccer teams, when consider best teams (group A). Explosive strength between medium (B) and low (C) league ranking were not different.