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Principles and themes of Global Citizenship Education in Undergraduate Teachers Training

Publication at Faculty of Education |


In order to achieve responsible and competent citizen behaviour, from a global perspective, it is necessary to improve the education of future teachers. Our aim was primarily to map the current situation of this field in the Czech Republic. Global

Citizenship Education (GCE) principles and themes, implemented into training programmes of future teachers at Czech universities, were explored by designed assessment tool and multiple methods. Content analysis of the teacher training course syllabus, a questionnaire survey and a semi-structured interview with university teachers preparing future teachers were conducted to gather data describing which factors determine quality and effective teaching contributing to future teachers' social and environmental responsibility locally and globally. We verified the main influencing-factors University teachers view as crucial for developing the global responsibility of future teachers. These are: teaching methods and strategies empowering learners to take action, a safe learning environment enabling open discussions, and effective cooperation and participation of future teachers in process of their own learning.