The article is devoted to two short Czech rhetorical manuals for aspiring preachers, preserved under the titles Pastor seu Concionator and Jin á správa o kázání in the same manuscript gathering as Jan Blahoslav's Vitia concionatorum (now in the National Library of the Czech Republic, XXVI A 24). It provides a basic description of the surviving manuscript and its provenance and shows that both texts under examination are almost certainly of Brethren origin.
However, the surviving manuscript was written around 1632 by the Utraquist priest Matěj Specinger, i.e. outside the milieu of Bohemian Brethren. The article also compares the basic rhetorical terminology used by these two texts with that used in selected contemporary Brethren preaching manuals, but finds no significant correspondences with either.
Thus, further research will be needed to determine the authorship and time of composition of both texts.